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Take Action Now!
We need to ensure that Duke and our legislators understand how detrimental the location of a substation and transmission lines across our rural farmland and green space will be and to convince them to find a suitable alternative.
Duke has opted to build a line that is just under the kilovolt threshold that would require involvement, approval and oversight by the SC Public Service Commision.
The community's power lies in the Court of Public Outcry and Public Opinion.
Residents and landowners can continue to take action and hold our legislators and Duke Energy accountable to rural, agricultural communities and citizens.
Email or write Duke Energy and your state legislators today to voice your opinion.
This is important to note:
We do not oppose growth. It is important to develop opportunities for people to make a living wage and progress as they aspire to. We simply believe that the utilities infrastructure to support industrial and resulting residential subdivision development should be located along established 4-6 lane highways and/or the industrial or commercial sites along 4-6 lane highways.
Elected Officials
Though we have convinced the following elected officials to formally voice their opposition to Duke Energy’s Big Ferguson Project, we need to continue to hold them accountable for continued diligent support of our requested proposed site changes, and to introduce and pass legislation that will ensure Public Service Commission oversight and approval of these intrusive utility infrastructure developments.
Click on the links below to see the official letters related to this effort:
Senator Shane Martin
Click here to see his letter of opposition
Click here to see his letter to Duke requesting information
Representative Bill Chumley
Click here to see his letter to Duke requesting information
Spartanburg County Councilman Justin McCorkle
Click here to see his letter of concern
Click here to get names, addresses and links to email, write and/or call your state representatives.
You can help by emailing Duke Energy personnel. Click here to see the list of personnel and their addresses.
If you would like to download a template to help you write or email the officials below, they can be found by clicking here for the Files tab on the Stop Duke Energy’s Big Ferguson Project